Intention Series- What inspires me?

Everything. Consciously and must all inspire me because I am prone to sudden bursts of creativity. It has become part of my process that I indulge in life, in activities, travel, food, drinking, in learning, in sleeping and laziness too, in emotions, in mind-numbing news and TV shows, in music that I love and in music that I don’t understand. And then, sure enough, something happens and I’m ready to paint. 

What I end up with is small parts all that I have been indulging in, not just since my last output but since my birth (maybe even before that if you believe in that sort of thing). You don’t just get to purple by picking up purple. You get it by mixing blue and red, maybe a little white or black too..or maybe by some other combination of pure happy accidents you come up with 5 shades of purple. This process is itself inspiring. 

By the way, the days I say I don’t feel inspired are still understood to be part of the process. The yin-yang is flowing, thankfully. Staying inspired constantly would be exhausting and unsustainable. So I cherish my uninspired days, I become sad and drink and party, or travel and sleep and I tip that yang back into the yin…and then I paint.

Anuj Madan